The GitHub organisation of IPGP
The Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) created a GitHub organisation in order to promote the open-source work of its collaborators. The aim of this organisation is to help the dissemination, in the Earth science community, of source codes produced at IPGP.
How to participate
If you are an employee of IPGP please visit this repository, to learn how you can join the organisation and share your own code. If you are not an employee of IPGP, feel free to download, fork, pull-request or raise an issue on any of our repositories and don't forget to cite the work is you use for academic work.
Repositories of IPGP on GitHub
- a-simple-spatial-database
- Browse your spatial database with a light web interface
- alarmeprecoce
- L'application principale utilisée par l'Observatoire Volcanologique du Piton de la Fournaise dans le cadre du système EarlyWarning
- billboard
- A collaborative editing exercise for the 2022 GIT class.
- billboard_2019
- A collaborative editing exercise for the 2019 GIT class.
- caspip2020
- cleedi2021
- workshop description site
- convert-old-geoscope
- Convert Old GEOSCOPE encoded data to STEIM2
- cookbook
- A collaborative editing exercise for the 2018 GIT class.
- csv2djipilot
- From a csv with coordinates to a kml waypoints to import in DJI Pilot
- deformations-matlab
- Matlab/Octave codes for analytical deformation models
- dsm-kernel
- 3D waveform partial derivative calculation software for 1D Earth models
- dsm1d
- DSM code for displacement and traction calculation for any point on planets. Starting from the legend code written by Nozomu Takeuchi, Phil Cummins, Kenji Kawai and Robert J. Geller Geller @ U Tokyo, all the parallisation and extension to displacements and tractions at planets' interior for injection and kernel calculation done firstly in Toulouse by Nobuaki Fuji, Vadim Monteiller, Dimitri Komatitsch and Sébastien Chevrot in 2010 and 2011. HDF5 utilities and cleaning have been added to it by Gaël Burgos, Laurent Guillot, Nobuaki Fuji @ CEA and IPGP.
- fdsn2nodes
- Converts FDSN inventory to WebObs Nodes
- fwall
- Script to login/logout from a Stormshield firewall
- geoscope-rms
- Daily RMS monitoring for GEOSCOPE network
- git_class
- Material for the 2022 Git class at IPGP
- image-pairs-stereo-capacity
- Estimate the stereoscopic capacity (B/H) of pairs of images from the Pleiades or SPOT6-7 satellites
- jseiscal
- JSeisCal for remote control of Metrozet E300 andSTS-1 installation
- machine_learning_scripts
- mapping-matlab
- Matlab/Octave mapping functions (DEM read/write, high-quality maps, coordinates convert, ...) without toolbox
- morumotto
- Morumotto is a tool that automatically fills a seismic data archive, corrects overlaps and requests data from a pool of different sources to fill the gaps
- mseed-matlab
- Matlab/Octave codes to read and write miniSEED files
- newspaper
- A newspaper project to learn using Git
- nsbas-api
- Sources of the NSBAS WPS API
- num-matlab
- Matlab/Octave small functions for numerical processing
- optimallyaccuratefd1d
- Optimally Accurate FD schemes
- presentation_templates
- q330_log_reader
- A tool to decode Q330 digitizer log files using obspy
- rinexmod
- Tool to batch modify headers of RINEX Hatanaka compressed files.
- sac-matlab
- Matlab/Octave codes to read and write SAC seismic data file
- scientific_python_cheat_sheet
- simple overview of python, numpy, scipy, matplotlib functions that are useful for scientific work
- seedlinkmiscplugins
- ASCII based Plugins for an easier integration of slow data in Seedlink
- seiscomp3_ipgp_maps
- SeisComP3 background maps with targeted 30m resolution zoom level
- siqaco
- splitlab
- Matlab GUI to perform SKS splitting measurements
- spopi
- installation scripts to install SPOPI (Seedlink-Plotter On Rasperry PI)
- stackprof
- uav_images_blur_detection
- blur_scan will detect in a set of UAV images the one which may be blurry
- waypoints_generator
- Custom waypoints generator for dji UAV
- webobs
- An integrated web-based system for data monitoring and networks management.
- yannospy
- python script for various normal mode computations. Works as it is with an example mode dataset (PREM + QL6). Needs the normal mode code 'yannos' (written by Yann Capdeville) to get the eigenfunctions for different models