.. _getting_started: =============== Getting started =============== .. _install: ------------ Installation ------------ We recommend you to use Python's virtual environnements to have a clean and isolated environment for the `geodezyx` toolbox. If you are not familiar with Python's virtual environnements, you can follow the `official documentation `_. Standard installation (for non-admin users) ------------------------------------------- We recommend to use ``pip`` to install the last stable `PyPi-hosted `_ version: ``pip install geodezyx`` To get the **latest developpement version** you can install directly the `GitHub-hosted `_ version: ``pip install git+https://github.com/IPGP/geodezyx`` If you **reinstall** a new version the package, you should uninstall the existing one and/or use the ``--upgrade`` option: ``pip uninstall geodezyx`` ``pip install --upgrade geodezyx`` Full installation (for sudoers/advanced users) ---------------------------------------------- This version installs facultative external modules, which require system libraries only installable when you have the sudo/admin rights, namely ``netCDF4``, ``kepler.py``, ``ncompress``, ``seawater``, ``gsw``. We recommend to use ``pip`` to install the last stable `PyPi-hosted `_ version: ``pip install geodezyx[full]`` To get the **latest developpement version** you can install directly the `GitHub-hosted `_ version: ``pip install "geodezyx[full] @ git+https://github.com/IPGP/geodezyx"`` Clone and manually install from GitHub (for devloppers) ------------------------------------------------------- Manually fork and/or clone the GitHub repository (https://github.com/IPGP/geodezyx) using your favorite flavor: * https: ``git clone https://github.com/IPGP/geodezyx.git`` (recommended) * SSH: ``git clone git@github.com:IPGP/geodezyx.git`` Go to the folder where you cloned the repository: * ``cd geodezyx`` And then install the toolbox you downloaded. Three solutions are possible: 1. ``pip install -e .`` (`editable mode `_, recommended if you want to edit the source code) 2. ``python setup.py install`` (standard mode) 3. Add the ``geodezyx`` folder in your ``PYTHONPATH``, for experimented (and old-fashoned) users --------------- Minimal exemple --------------- To test if the `geodezyx` toolbox is well installed, import: :: #### Import import geodezyx # Import the geodezyx modules If the module are well imported (without errors in the console), fine! you have installed the `geodezyx` toolbox! If not, check again the potential errors during the installation. It might be better to import the modules separatelly, e.g.: :: import geodezyx.conv as conv # Import the conversion module See the description of each module in the following section -------------------------- Description of the Modules -------------------------- * :py:mod:`geodezyx.athmo`: functions implementing troposhere/ionosphere models * :py:mod:`geodezyx.conv`: time and coordinates conversion * :py:mod:`geodezyx.files_rw`: read, import & write geodetic files * :py:mod:`geodezyx.geodyn`: Euler pole calculator and plot velocity field maps * :py:mod:`geodezyx.marine`: contains a GEBCO bathymetry extrapolator * :py:mod:`geodezyx.operational`: Download GNSS data/products from various servers / Read and Import sitelogs * :py:mod:`geodezyx.reffram`: Reference Frame & high-level coordinates conversion * :py:mod:`geodezyx.stats`: Low-level statistics functions & outlier detection functions / Low-level least-square functions * :py:mod:`geodezyx.time_series`: module to handle Geodetic time-series * :py:mod:`geodezyx.utils`: Shell-like functions (grep, find in folder ...) and functions to optimize list management