geodezyx.files_rw package
geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.files_rw deals with file format conversion between different file standards .
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import files_rw
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.Tropsinex_DataFrame(read_sinex_result)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.convert_statinfo2eqfile(statinfoin, eqfileout)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.header_from_ellipsoid(ellipsoid)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.list_stat_in_statinfo(statinfoin)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.plot_nmea(T, E, N, U, Q)
a quick and dirty fct to plot the NMEA
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_OTPS_tide_file(pathin, print_line=False, return_array=True)
- Return :
latlis , lonlis , datlis , hlis
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_eqfile_as_dico(filein, delGPSfield=False)
for an eqfile return a dico dic[STAT] = [disc1 , disc2 …] where disc are the discont of the FIRST column
delGPSfield manage the elimination of the line of type _GPS which are not regular EDIT : 150817 WHY ???
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_eqfile_time_solo(filein, stat)
BROUILLON pour une station, donne les startdate et enddate d’une periode SORTIE : 2 x liste de dt
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_globk_vel_file(velfile_in)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_lfile_solo(filein, stat)
WEAK : should be improved with discontinuites management
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_nmea(file_path, outtype='FLH', df_out=True, use_altitude=False, startdate=datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0), enddate=datetime.datetime(2099, 1, 1, 0, 0), export_path='')
if export_path != ‘’, export a Matlab readable file to this path WARNING !!! la coord de ref est codée en dur, à coriger !!!!
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_pbo_vel_file_solo(velfilein, stat)
return a LIST of panda dataframe (corrsponding to different discontinuites), where the keywords of the pbo .vel can be used directly
exemple :
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_rinex_2_dataobjts(rinex_path)
Based on Michael Hirsch readRinexNav function Manage RINEX3
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_sinex(sinex_path_in, keep_sites_as_index=False, drop_nan=False)
Read a coordinate SINEX file as DataFrame
- Parameters:
sinex_path_in (str) – path of the SINEX.
keep_sites_as_index (Bool, optional) – use the site names as index. The default is False.
drop_nan (bool or str, optional) – remove the NaN in the DataFrame. False: do not remove them ‘all’: remove the row if all values are NaN ‘any’: remove the row if at least one value is NaN (dangerous) The default is False.
- Returns:
DFout – SINEX DataFrame.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_sinex_bench_antenna(sinex_in)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_sinex_discontinuity_solo(snxfile, stat, PorV='P')
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_sinex_legacy(snxfile, dataframe_output=True)
This function is depreciated !!!!
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_sinex_versatile(sinex_path_in, id_block, convert_date_2_dt=True, header_line_idx=-1, improved_header_detection=True, verbose=True)
Read a block from a SINEX and return the data as a DataFrame
- Parameters:
sinex_path_in (str) – Description param1
id_block (str) – Name of the block (without “+” or “-“)
convert_date_2_dt (bool) – Try to convert a SINEX formated date as a python datetime
header_line_idx (int or None) – If the block header contains several lines, use this line index Per default, the last (-1) For the first line, use 0 If no header is properly defined, use None
improved_header_detection (bool) – Improved header detection. Works for most cases but sometime the simple version works better. (advenced usage) Default is True
verbose (bool) – print the header and its field size Default is True
- Returns:
DF – Returned DataFrame
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_snx_trop(snxfile, dataframe_output=True)
Read troposphere solutions from Troposphere SINEX
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_station_info_solo(filein, stat, column_type='ulr')
- column_typestr
“ulr” or “sopac”
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_station_info_solo_date(filein, stat, date, column_type='ulr')
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.read_station_info_time_solo(filein, stat)
BROUILLON pour une station, donne les startdate et enddate d’une periode SORTIE : 2 x liste de dt
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.receptor_gins_corrector(inRec)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.sinex_DataFrame(read_sinex_result)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.smart_elt_list(list_raw, n_elt, replacement='')
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.stat_file_GINS_new_fmt(file_out_path, STAT='STAT', xyz=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ecc_une=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], rec='NONE', ant='NONE', radom='NONE', ant_id='0000')
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.stat_list_in_station_info(filein)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.statinfo_2_cats(statinfo_path, catsneu_path)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.station_info_2_gins(statinfoin, coordfilein, outfile, coordfile_type='pbovelfile', specific_stats_lis=[], ellipsoid='GRS80', station_info_columns_type='sopac')
Convert a GAMIT to a GINS stations files
- Parameters:
statinfoin (str) – path of input
coordfilein (str) – path of input coordinates files.
outfile (str) – path of output GINS station file.
coordfile_type (str, optional) – GAMIT coordinates files type : ‘lfile’ or ‘pbovelfile’. The default is ‘pbovelfile’.
specific_stats_lis (list, optional) – list of specific stations. The default is [].
ellipsoid (str, optional) – ellipsoid. The default is ‘GRS80’.
station_info_columns_type (TYPE, optional) – it exists different subtypes of … handles “sopac” or “ulr” yet. The default is “sopac”.
- Returns:
outfile – path of GINS outfile.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.statname_of_catsfile(catsneu_path)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.unzip_gz_Z(inp_gzip_file, out_gzip_file='', remove_inp=False, force=False, out_gzip_dir=None)
frontend function to unzip files (gzip and legacy Z compression)
- Parameters:
inp_gzip_file (str) – the path of the input file.
out_gzip_file (str, optional) – if out_gzip_file AND out_gzip_dir not precised file will be extracted in the same folder as inp_gzip_file. The default is ‘’.
remove_inp (bool, optional) – remove the input file. The default is False.
force (bool, optional) – force the decompression. The default is False.
out_gzip_dir (str, optional) – output directory. will be used only if out_gzip_file == ‘’ unzipped file will keep the same
- Returns:
path of the uncompressed file.
- Return type:
.Z decompression is implemented, but is very unstable (avoid .Z, prefer .gz)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.write_eqfile_from_dico(dicoin, outdir, outfilename)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.write_latlontime_file_4_OTPS_tide(outfilepath, lat, lon, strt, end=None, sec_step=1, generate_inp_file=True, tide_model_path='./DATA/Model_atlas', set_relative_path_in_inp_file=True)
- Parameters:
outfilepath (TYPE) – DESCRIPTION.
strt (datetime) – start as a datetime.
end (TYPE, optional) – length of the period in sec (integer) OR if None, strt is a list. The default is None.
sec_step (TYPE, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is 1.
generate_inp_file (TYPE, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is True.
tide_model_path (TYPE, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘./DATA/Model_atlas’.
set_relative_path_in_inp_file (TYPE, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is True.
- Returns:
- Return type:
lat>0 - degrees North, lon>0 - degrees East lat<0 - degrees South, lon<0 - degrees West
lat/lon can be a list, with the same size as dates_lis
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.write_lfile_from_datalists(site_lis, location_lis, lfile_out_path)
datalists (period_lis_lis , stat_lis , loc_lis ) are produced by : * mono_logsheet_read * multi_logsheet_read
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.write_station_file_gins_from_datalists(period_lis_lis, site_lis, location_lis, station_info_out_path, ellipsoid='GRS80')
datalists (period_lis_lis , stat_lis , loc_lis ) are produced by : * mono_logsheet_read * multi_logsheet_read
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.write_station_file_gins_from_rinex(rinex_path, station_file_out, stat_code_filename_prioritary=True)
- geodezyx.files_rw.geo_files_converter_lib.write_station_info_from_datalists(period_lis_lis, site_lis, location_lis, station_info_out_path)
- Parameters:
period_lis_lis (list of lists) – list of lists of periods.
site_lis (list) – list of sites.
location_lis (list) – list of locations.
station_info_out_path (str) – the full path (directory+name) of the generated
- Return type:
The different data lists (i.e. period_lis_lis , stat_lis , loc_lis) are produced by:
- mono_logsheet_read
do not forget to activate return_lists = True
- multi_logsheet_read
do not forget to activate return_dico = False
geodezyx.files_rw.read_athmo module
Created on Wed Jun 30 10:52:09 2021
@author: psakic
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_athmo.Tropsinex_DataFrame(read_sinex_result)
General description
- Parameters:
read_sinex_result – List values from read_snx_trop function
- Returns:
troposphere information from SINEX in Dataframe
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_athmo.read_bernese_trp(trpfile)
This function reads tropospheric solution in TRP format from Bernese GNSS software
- Parameters:
trpfile – Filename of TRP file from Bernese
- Returns:
Tropospheric solutions from Bernese in Dataframe
- Return type:
Written by Chaiyaporn Kitpracha
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_athmo.read_gfz_trop(trpfile)
This function is reading GFZ troposphere sinex into Pandas DataFrame
- Parameters:
trpfile (Str) – File name of GFZ troposphere sinex.
- Returns:
DF – Pandas Dataframe of GFZ troposphere sinex.
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_athmo.read_rinex_met(metfile)
This function reads RINEX Meteorological files and convert to Pandas DataFrame
- Parameters:
metfile – Path of RINEX Meteorological file in List/String (e.g. made with glob)
- Returns:
Meteorological data in DataFrame
- Return type:
Written by Chaiyaporn Kitpracha
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_athmo.read_rinex_met_2(metfile)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_athmo.read_snx_trop(snxfile, dataframe_output=True, version=2)
Read troposphere solutions from Troposphere SINEX
geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_misc module
Created on Wed Jun 23 11:00:45 2021
@author: psakicki
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_misc.sinex_bench_antenna_DF_2_disconts(DFantenna_in, stat, return_full=False)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_misc.stations_in_EPOS_sta_coords_file_mono(coords_file_path)
Gives stations in a EPOS coords. file (YYYY_DDD_sta_coordinates)
- Parameters:
coords_file_path (str) – path of the EPOS coords. file.
- Returns:
epoch (datetime) – the main mean epoch in the EPOS coords. file.
stats_list (list) – list of 4 char station list.
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_misc.stations_in_coords_file_multi(files_path_list, files_type='sinex')
Gives stations list in a SINEX or EPOS coords. file
- Parameters:
files_path_list (iterable (list)) – path of the SINEX/coords files list (e.g. made with glob).
files_type (str, optional) – “sinex” or “EPOS_sta_coords” depending on the type. The default is “sinex”.
- Returns:
datadico – a dico with stat 4 char. code as key and epoch list as values (for timeline_plotter)
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_misc.stations_in_sinex_mono(sinex_path)
Gives stations list in a SINEX file
- Parameters:
sinex_path (str) – path of the SINEX file.
- Returns:
epoch (datetime) – the main mean epoch in the SINEX.
stats_list (list) – list of 4 char station list.
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_misc.stations_in_sinex_multi(sinex_path_list)
Gives stations list in a SINEX
Just a wrapper of stations_in_sinex_or_EPOS_sta_coords_file_multi !!! This other function should be used !!!
- Args :
sinex_path_list : path of the SINEX files list (e.g. made with glob)
- Returns :
datadico : a dico with stat 4 char. code as key and epoch list as values (for timeline_plotter)
geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.files_rw contains reading functions to import files containing geodetic time series.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import files_rw
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.MZB_GINS_2_ATM_GAMIT(listing_in, path_out)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.convert_sp3_clk_2_GINS_clk(sp3_path_in, clk_gins_out, interpo_30sec=True, return_as_DF=True)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.gins_readTROPOZ(filein)
Read TROPOZ in a GINS’ listing
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.gins_read_MZB(filein, return_df=False)
Read Mean Zeintal Bias in a GINS’ listing
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.gins_read_time(line)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.interp_sndy_SYS_UTC(time_conv_file_in)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_IGS_coords(filein, initype='auto')
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_all_obs(filein)
selectionne automatiquement le type de fichier brut en entrée INPUT : chemin du fichier brut de observations génériques OUTPUT : Une LISTE de TimeSerieObs
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_all_points(filein)
selectionne automatiquement le type de fichier brut en entrée INPUT : chemin du fichier brut de POINTS OUTPUT : Une TimeSeriePoint
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_calais(filelist)
filelistin est une liste de 3 fichier E N & U
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_epos_slv_times(p, convert_to_time=False)
convert_to_time : divide by the speed of light to get time-homogene values. Values in meter instead If convert_to_time : time in sec
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_epos_sta_coords_mono(filein, return_df=True)
Read an GFZ EPOS’s coordinate file. To read several files at the same time see read_epos_sta_coords_multi
- Parameters:
filein (str) – path of the input coordinate file.
return_df (bool, optional) – if True, returns the coordinates as a Pandas DataFrame. if False, return a list of GeodeZYX’s point objects (advanced) The default is True.
- Returns:
Ouput coordinates.
- Return type:
DataFrame or List of Points
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_epos_sta_coords_multi(filein_list, output_type='DataFrame')
Read several GFZ EPOS’s coordinate files.
- Parameters:
filein_list (list) – list of input coordinate files inputs.
output_type (str, optional) – “DataFrame”: returns a Pandas DataFrame containing the coordinates “TSobjects”: returns a dictionary of GeodeZYX’s TimeSeries objects (advanced) The default is “DataFrame”.
- Returns:
OUT – See “output_type” input parameter.
- Return type:
DataFrame or dict
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_epos_sta_coords_multi_legacy(filein_list, return_dict=True)
Read several GFZ EPOS’s coordinate files. Legacy version
- Parameters:
filein_list (list) – list of input coordinate files inputs.
return_dict (bool, optional) – True: returns a dictionary of GeodeZYX’s TimeSeries objects “TSobjects”: returns a list of GeodeZYX’s TimeSeries objects The default is True.
- Returns:
OUT – See “return_dict” input parameter.
- Return type:
dict or list
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_epos_sta_kinematics(filein)
read an EPOS kinematic solutions
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_epos_tim(tim_file_in, convert_to_sec=False)
results in microsec
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gins(filein, kineorstatic='kine', flh_in_rad=True, force_get_convergence=False, kf_result=False)
Static : donne un point Kinematic : donne une TS
force_get_convergence : if there is a bug about ‘COORDONNEES DES STATIONS AJUSTEES EN HAUTE FREQUENCE’ field, it is in the listing but empty … so we force the retreive of the ‘c o n v e r g e n c e’ part
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gins_double_diff(filein)
return a list of Point object for a double diff listing
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gins_double_diff_multi(filelistin)
return a dictionnary with station names as keys and timeseries as values
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gins_multi_extracted(filelistin, flh_in_rad=True)
traite les extractions de listings sous la forme par ex. S<HLP>__ddhhiissxxxxxxxxxyym.HOUE La liste doit contenir exactement 3 fichiers (pour chacune des composantes)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gins_multi_raw_listings(filelistin, kineorstatic='static', flh_in_rad=True)
traite une liste de listing bruts pour obtenir UNE SEULE timeserie
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gins_solution(filein, mode='cinematic')
Read a GINS solution file
- Parameters:
filein (str) – path of the input file.
mode (str, optional) – cinematic : retrun a TimeSerie static : retrun a point
- Returns:
output Time Series.
- Return type:
TimeSeries or Point object
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gins_solution_multi(filein_list, return_dict=True)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gins_wrapper(input_list_or_path, flh_in_rad=True)
pour une liste de paths renvoie une liste de timeseries AUTANT DE TIMESERIES QUE DE LISTINGS
INPUT : Une liste de fichiers Un path compatible avec glob
les fichiers sans extensions .gins sont automatiquement exclus
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gipsy_apps(filein)
Read GIPSY APPS (Online tool) File
- Parameters:
filein (str) – input file path.
- Returns:
tsout – output TimeSerie.
- Return type:
TimeSeries Object
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gipsy_bosser(filein)
Read P. Bosser (@ENSTA Brest) File (GIPSY)
- Parameters:
filein (str) – input file path.
- Returns:
tsout – output TimeSerie.
- Return type:
TimeSeries Object
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gipsy_gdcov(filein)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gipsy_gdcov_list(filelistin)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gipsy_tdp(filein)
Read legacy Gipsy TDP (Time Dependent Parameter) File
- Parameters:
filein (str) – input file path.
- Returns:
tsout – output TimeSerie.
- Return type:
TimeSeries Object
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gipsy_tdp_list(filelistin)
Read Several GIPSY TDP (Time Dependent Parameter) Files
- Parameters:
filelistin (list) – input file paths in a list.
- Returns:
tsout – output TimeSerie.
- Return type:
TimeSeries Object
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gipsyx_tdp(filein)
Read GipsyX TDP (Time Dependent Parameter) File
- Parameters:
filein (str) – input file path.
- Returns:
tsout – output TimeSerie.
- Return type:
TimeSeries Object
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gipsyx_tdp_list(filelistin)
Read Several GIPSYX TDP (Time Dependent Parameter) Files
- Parameters:
filelistin (list) – input file paths in a list.
- Returns:
tsout – output TimeSerie.
- Return type:
TimeSeries Object
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gipsyx_xfile(filein)
Read GIPSYX X file i.e. the transformation parameters and their residuals
- Parameters:
filein (str) – input file path. Can handle gz compressed files
- Returns:
df_trans_out (DataFrame) – Helmert transformation parameters and their sigmas.
df_resid_out (DataFrame) – Coordinates residuals (not implemented yet).
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_gipsyx_xfile_list(filelistin)
Read several GIPSYX X files i.e. the transformation parameters and their residuals
- Parameters:
filelistin (list) – input file paths in a list. Can handle gz compressed files
- Returns:
df_trans_out (DataFrame) – Helmert transformation parameters and their sigmas.
df_resid_out (DataFrame) – Coordinates residuals (not implemented yet).
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_groops_position(Filesin)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_hector_neu(filein)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_jpl_timeseries_solo(latlonrad_files_list)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_jump_file(filein, returned_events=('S', 'E', 'D'))
From a “Jump” File (P. Sakic internal file) Return a dictionnairy with events
- Parameters:
filein (str) – path of the Jump File
returned_events (tuple or list) – contains the inital letter of the event type which will be stored in the dico (See below)
- Returns:
jump_dico – outputed events, in the form jump_dico[“STAT”][“L”] = datetime where L is the inital letter of the event type
- Return type:
dict of dict of datetime
A jump file contains infos like this :
#>>> STAT S 2000 001 #>>> STAT E 2001 001 #>>> STAT D 2000 06 01
it can manage YEAR DOY or YEAR MM DD or DECIMAL YEAR
A non-blank 1st column is a commented line
After a #, it is a commentary
- event type letters :
S : Start
E : End
D : Discontinuity
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_nevada(filein, input_coords='enu')
input_coords=”enu” or “xyz”
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_nrcan_csv(filein, associated_ps_file='', statname='')
associated_ps_file is highly recommanded because of the time managing
WARN : Must be avoided b/c of the weak decimal precision of the angles !!!
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_nrcan_pos(filein)
.pos file are more precise than .csv, should be used !
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_pbo_pos(filein)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_pride_pppar_kin(filein)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_pride_pppar_pos(files_list_in)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_pride_pppar_pos_mono(filein)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_qinsy(filein, yy, mm, dd)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_renag_synthetic(filein, discont_file_in=None)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_rtklib(filein)
lit un fichier de type RTKLIB INPUT : chemin du fichier brut OUTPUT : Une TimeSeriePoint
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_sndy_mat_att(filein, IntSYSUTCin=None)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_sonardyne_attitude(filein)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_sonardyne_posi(filein, dUTCGPS)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_track(filein)
- Parameters:
filein (str) – input file path.
- Returns:
tsout – output TimeSerie.
- Return type:
TimeSeries Object
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_track_2(filein, site_name=None)
Read a kinematic track file
- Parameters:
filein (str) – path of the file.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.read_webobs(filein, typein='txt', coordtreat=False, dropna=False)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.sorting_a_calais_file(openedfile)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_coords_time_series.write_ATM_GAMIT(Tstk, MZBstk, sMZBstk, namestat, file_out)
geodezyx.files_rw.read_eop module
Created on Wed Jun 23 10:24:42 2021
@author: psakic
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_eop.read_IERS(file_path_in)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_eop.read_IERS_info(fil, mjd)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_eop.read_bull_B(file_path_in)
Read an Bulletin B file
- Parameters:
file_path_in (str) – Path of the file in the local machine.
- Returns:
DFout – Returns a panda table format with the data extracted from the file.
- Return type:
pandas DataFrame
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_eop.read_eop_C04(file_path_in)
read EOP C04 file
- Parameters:
file_path_in (str) – path of the EOP C04 file.
- Returns:
DF – out DataFrame.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_eop.read_eop_finals(file_path_in, precnut_model=2000, simplified_EOP_DF='mixed')
read EOP finals file
- Parameters:
file_path_in (str) – path of the EOP finals file.
precnut_model (int, optional) – IAU Precession-Nutation Model. Valid values are 1980 and 2000. The default is 2000.
- Returns:
DF (DataFrame) – out DataFrame - Complete content of the finals file.
DF2 (DataFrame) – out DataFrame - Simplified content of the finals file. Based on C04 EOP DataFrame structure. If no Bulletin-B values provided, use Bulletin-A.
Format description
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_eop.read_erp(file_path_in, ac=None)
Read IGS Analysis Center ERP files
- Parameters:
file_path_in (str) – Path of the file in the local machine.
ac (str) – The analysis center that will be used. If not precised, will be the first 3 letters of the input name
- Returns:
out1 – Returns a panda table format with the data extracted from the file.
- Return type:
pandas table
Columns name
(‘MJD’,’X-P (arcsec)’, ‘Y-P (arcsec)’, ‘UT1UTC (E-7S)’,’LOD (E-7S/D)’,’S-X (E-6” arcsec)’,’S-Y (E-6” arcsec)’, ‘S-UT (E-7S)’,’S-LD (E-7S/D)’,’NR (E-6” arcsec)’, ‘NF (E-6” arcsec)’, ‘NT (E-6” arcsec)’, ‘X-RT (arcsec/D)’,’Y-RT (arcsec/D)’,’S-XR (E-6” arcsec/D)’,’S-YR (E-6” arcsec/D)’, ‘C-XY’, ‘C-XT’, ‘C-YT’, ‘DPSI’, ‘DEPS’,’S-DP’,’S-DE’)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_eop.read_erp_multi(path_list, return_array=False, smart_mode=True, ac=None)
- Parameters:
path_list (list) – a list of ERP files.
return_array (ool, optional) – retur results in Array or DataFrame. The default is False.
smart_mode (bool, optional) – keep only the latest value (True is recommended). The default is True.
ac (str, optional) – select a specific AC. The default is None.
- Returns:
output ERPs.
- Return type:
Array or DataFrame
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_eop.read_erp_snx(snx_in)
Read ERP in SINEX Format
- Parameters:
snx_in (str) – path of the SINEX file.
- Return type:
geodezyx.files_rw.read_geo_files_misc module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.files_rw contains reading functions to import files containing geodetic observations/products.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import files_rw
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_geo_files_misc.AC_equiv_vals(AC1, AC2)
Find common values between 2 Orbit DataFrame (from SP3)
Redundant with reffram.OrbDF_common_epoch_finder this function should not be used anymore
- Parameters:
AC1 (DataFrame) – Orbit DataFrame 1.
AC2 (DataFrame) – Orbit DataFrame 2.
- Returns:
AC1_ok (DataFrame) – Cleaned Orbit DataFrame 1.
AC2_ok (DataFrame) – Cleaned Orbit DataFrame 2.
ACmerged (DataFrame) – Merged orbit DataFrame.
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_geo_files_misc.list_files(dire, file=None)
written for MGEX combi by GM should be discontinued
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_geo_files_misc.read_clk_old(file_path_in, returns_pandas=True, interval=None, old_naming=True)
Read an IGS clk file Slow and complex, use read_clk instead
- Parameters:
file_path_in (str) – Path of the file in the local machine.
returns_pandas (bool) – Define if pandas function will be used to put the data on tables
interval (int) – Defines which interval should be used in the data tables. The interval is always in minutes unit.
- Returns:
out1 (float or int oandas table) – Returns a panda table format with the data extracted from the file.
out2 (list) – In case of the pandas function are not in use, the return will be a list with the data extract from the file.
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_geo_files_misc.read_erp_bad(path, return_array=False)
This function is discontinued, use read_erp1 instead
geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_prods module
Created on Wed Jun 23 10:24:19 2021
@author: psakic
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_prods.clk_decimate(file_in, file_out, step=300)
Decimate a .clk file
- Parameters:
file_in (str) – path of the input clk file.
file_out (str) – path of the output clk file.
step (int, optional) – decimation step in sec. The default is 300.
- Returns:
file_out – path of the output clk file.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_prods.clk_diff(file_1, file_2)
Compute the clock differences between two .clk file
- Parameters:
file_1 (str) – file 1 path.
file_2 (str) – file 2 path.
- Returns:
DFdiff – clock differences epoch byx epoch between the two files.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_prods.read_clk(file_path_in, names_4char=False)
Read an IGS clk file
- Parameters:
file_path_in (str) – Path of the file in the local machine. can handle gzip-compressed file (with .gz/.GZ extension)
names_4char (bool) – Force the station names to have 4 charaters (new naming convention is longer)
- Returns:
DFclk – Returns a panda table format with the data extracted from the file.
- Return type:
pandas DataFrame
Bias is given in seconds
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_prods.read_clk_from_sp3(file_path_or_DForb_in)
Get the clock values from a SP3 file of an Orbit DataFrame, formated as a Clock DataFrame
- Parameters:
file_path_or_DForb_in (str or DataFrame) – the input SP3 file path or an Orbit DataFrame.
- Returns:
DFclk_sp3 – Clock DataFrame.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_prods.read_sp3(file_path_in, returns_pandas=True, name='', epoch_as_pd_index=False, km_conv_coef=1, skip_null_epoch=True, new_col_names=True, pos_vel_col=False)
Read a SP3 file (GNSS Orbits standard file) and return X,Y,Z coordinates for each satellite and for each epoch
- Parameters:
file_path_in (str) – path of the SP3 file can handle gzip-compressed file (with .gz/.GZ or .Z extension)
returns_pandas (bool) – if True, return a Pandas DataFrame. if False, return separated lists.
name (str) – a manual name for the file
epoch_as_pd_index (bool) – if True, the index of the output dataframe contains if False, it contains generic integer indexs
km_conv_coef (float) – a conversion coefficient to change the units to get meters : 10**3 to get milimeters : 10**6
skip_null_epoch (bool) – Do not write an epoch if all sats are null (filtering)
new_col_names (bool) – A legacy option to have (or not) consistent column names with read_rinex Default is False
- Returns:
df (Pandas DataFrame) – if returns_pandas == True
epoch_stk , Xstk , Ystk , Zstk , Clkstk (lists) – if returns_pandas == False
SP3 coordinates are usually given in ITRF, i.e. an ECEF system
If the SP3 contains velocity records, this option adds a ‘pv’ column containing ‘P’ for position or ‘V’ for velocity.
Warning: velocity ‘V’ records are in dm/s per default, and the same km_conv_coef coefficient as the position records will be applied!
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_prods.read_sp3_header(sp3_in, ac_name_in=None)
Read a SP3 file header and return a Pandas DataFrame with sat. PRNs and sigmas contained in the header
- Parameters:
sp3_in (str or list) –
path of the SP3 file can handle gzip-compressed file (with .gz/.GZ extension)
can also handle the sp3 content as a list of strings (useful when read_sp3_header is used as a subfunction of read_sp3)
ac_name_in (str) – force the AC name (necessary when read_sp3_header is used as a subfunction of read_sp3)
- Returns:
Header_DF – 2 columns “sat”, “sigma”
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame
More infos about the sigma
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_prods.sp3_DataFrame_zero_epoch_filter(DFsp3)
Filter an Orbit DataFrame (from a SP3) by removing the null epochs
- Parameters:
DFsp3 (DataFrame) – Orbit DataFrame (from a SP3).
- Returns:
DFsp3_out – Filtered Orbit DataFrame.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_prods.sp3_decimate(file_in, file_out, step=15)
Decimate a SP3 file
- Parameters:
file_in (str) – path of the input SP3 file.
file_out (str) – path of the output SP3 file.
step (int, optional) – decimation step in minutes. The default is 15.
- Returns:
file_out – path of the output SP3 file.
- Return type:
geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_qc module
Created on Fri Dec 1 17:46:14 2023
@author: psakic
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_qc.read_anubis_xtr_sum(xtr_in)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_qc.read_ringo_qc(file_in)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_gnss_qc.read_ringo_systems(file_in)
geodezyx.files_rw.read_igs_combi module
Created on Wed Jun 23 11:42:14 2021
@author: psakic
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_igs_combi.prn_int_2_prn_str(prn_int, full_out=False)
for read_combi_sum_full
if full_out : return e.g. “G04”,”G”,4
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_igs_combi.read_combi_REPORT(Path_list)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_igs_combi.read_combi_clk_rms(sum_file, return_as_df=True, clk_ref_cen_gal='com', index_useful_col=-4, convert_to_int=True)
based on : read_good_clk_rms_one
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_igs_combi.read_combi_clk_rms_full_table(path_in, with_stats_rms=False, detailed_df=False)
recommended for .out file
detailed_df: the outlier values are more detailled X (excuded) => np.inf - (not proivided) => np.nan >>> (too big for a print, but still kept) => 999999
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_igs_combi.read_combi_sum_exclu(sum_file, return_as_df=True, use_intuitive_bool=True)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_igs_combi.read_combi_sum_full(sum_full_file, RMS_lines_output=True, set_PRN_as_index=True)
geodezyx.files_rw.read_logsheets module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.files_rw contains reading functions to import GNSS logsheets/sitelogs.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import files_rw
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- class geodezyx.files_rw.read_logsheets.Antenna
- ARPSmart()
- AntTypSmart()
- property Antenna_Radome_Type
- class geodezyx.files_rw.read_logsheets.Event
- property Date_Installed
- property Date_Removed
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_logsheets.mono_logsheet_read(logsheet_path, return_lists=False)
Read a sigle LogSheet File to Logsheet block objects
- Parameters:
logsheet_path (str) – Logsheet path.
return_lists (Bool, optional) – The default is False. if True, this legacy mode returns each Logsheet Block object in a list, so each of them can be managed immediatly by write_station_info_from_datalists function. Useful only for such write_<…> functions.
- Returns:
period_lis (List of Period Block Object) – Period description in Period Block Object.
sit (Site Block Object) – Site description in Site Block Object.
loc (Location Block Object) – Location description in Site Block Object.
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_logsheets.multi_logsheet_read(pathin, wildcardin='*log', return_dico=True, output_mode='classic')
Read multiple logsheets
- Parameters:
pathin (list or str.) – If list: list of the Logsheet paths. If str: path of the directory containing the Logsheets.
wildcardin (str, optional) – a wildcard describing the logsheet pattern. used only for pathin in a string path. The default is ‘*log’.
return_dico (bool, optional) – If False, returns period_lis_lis , stat_lis , loc_lis the False mode is useful for generation with write_station_info_from_datalists The default is True.
output_mode (str, optional) – Defines the output mode if a dictionary is asked. (It is not relevant if list are asked) ‘classic’: returns in the period_lis , stat , loc ‘pretty’: returns the period_lis, stat, loc but with period_lis as a DataFrame ‘legacy’: returns in the dico period_lis_lis , stat_lis , loc_lis (should not be used anymore) The default is ‘classic’.
- Returns:
stations_dico – a dictionnary like stations_dico[‘STAT’] = (period_lis, station, loc).
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_logsheets.read_blocks_logsheet(input_file, block_id)
Read a Logsheet Block
- Parameters:
input_file (str) – Logsheet path.
block_id (int) – the ID of the wished block. 1. Site Identification of the GNSS Monument 2. Site Location Information 3. GNSS Receiver Information 4. GNSS Antenna Information 5. Surveyed Local Ties 6. Frequency Standard 7. Collocation Information 8. Meteorological Instrumentation etc. etc. …
- Returns:
ObjList – List of Block Objects. Warning: if the Block contains only one sub-block Then the output is a 1-item List
- Return type:
List of Block Objects
geodezyx.files_rw.read_rinex module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.files_rw contains functions to read RINEX files observation files.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import files_rw
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_rinex.df_rnx_clean_lli_ssi(df_rnx_in)
Remove the Loss of Lock Indicator (LLI) and Signal Strength Indicator (SSI) columns in a DataFrame RINEX
- Parameters:
df_rnx_in (Pandas DataFrame / GeodeZYX's RINEX format) – A RINEX DataFrame with LLI/SSI columns.
- Returns:
df_rnx_out – A RINEX DataFrame without LLI/SSI columns.
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame / GeodeZYX’s RINEX format
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_rinex.dict_sys_obs_clean_lli_ssi(dict_sys_obs_in)
Clean a dict_sys_obs (generated by observables_dict_per_sys) of its LLI and SSI values
- Parameters:
dict_sys_obs_in (dict) – A dictionnary with GNSS system as key (G,R,E…). And the observalbes for each system as values.
- Returns:
dict_sys_obs_out – Same dictionnary cleanned of its LLI and SSI values.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_rinex.observables_dict_per_sys(df_rnx_in)
Gives the GNSS observables for each GNSS system in a dictionnary
- Parameters:
df_rnx_in (Pandas DataFrame / GeodeZYX's RINEX format) – A RINEX DataFrame.
- Returns:
dict_sys_obs – A dictionnary with GNSS system as key (G,R,E…). And the observalbes for each system as values
- Return type:
Use dict_sys_obs_clean_LLI_SSI if your want to remove the LLI & SSI values
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_rinex.open_rinex(rnx_inp, verbose=False)
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_rinex.read_rinex2_obs(rnx_in, set_index=None)
Read a RINEX Observation, version 2
- Parameters:
rnx_in (see below) – input RINEX. can be the path of a RINEX file as string or as Path object, or directly the RINEX content as a string, bytes, StringIO object or a list of lines
set_index (str or list of str, optional) – define the columns for the index. If None, the output DataFrame is “flat”, with integer index [“epoch”,”prn”] for instance set the epoch and the prn as MultiIndex The default is None.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame / GeodeZYX’s RINEX format
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_rinex.read_rinex3_obs(rnx_in, set_index=None)
Read a RINEX Observation, version 3 or 4
- Parameters:
rnx_in (see below) – input RINEX. can be the path of a RINEX file as string or as Path object, or directly the RINEX content as a string, bytes, StringIO object or a list of lines
set_index (str or list of str, optional) – define the columns for the index. If None, the output DataFrame is “flat”, with integer index [“epoch”,”prn”] for instance set the epoch and the prn as MultiIndex The default is None.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame / GeodeZYX’s RINEX format
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_rinex.read_rinex3_obs_legacy(rnx_in, set_index=None)
Read a RINEX Observation, version 3 or 4
This legacy version is much slower but maybe mor relaible than the new one
- Parameters:
rnx_in (see below) – input RINEX. can be the path of a RINEX file as string or as Path object, or directly the RINEX content as a string, bytes, StringIO object or a list of lines
set_index (str or list of str, optional) – define the columns for the index. If None, the output DataFrame is “flat”, with integer index [“epoch”,”prn”] for instance set the epoch and the prn as MultiIndex The default is None.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame / GeodeZYX’s RINEX format
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_rinex.read_rinex_obs(rnx_in, set_index=None)
Frontend function to read a RINEX Observation, version 2 or 3
- Parameters:
rnx_in (see below) – input RINEX. can be the path of a RINEX file as string or as Path object, or directly the RINEX content as a string, bytes, StringIO object or a list of lines
set_index (str or list of str, optional) – define the columns for the index. If None, the output DataFrame is “flat”, with integer index [“epoch”,”prn”] for instance set the epoch and the prn as MultiIndex The default is None.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame / GeodeZYX’s RINEX format
geodezyx.files_rw.read_slr module
Created on Wed Jun 23 10:55:04 2021
@author: psakic
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_slr.read_pdm_res_slr_mono(res_file_in, sol='sol')
Read a PDM7 res(idual) file for SLR Validation
- Parameters:
res_file_in (str) – path of the input res file.
sol (str or lambda fct) – solution name if it is a lambda fct, it will grab the sol name from the full residual path e.g. : solnam = lambda x: x.split(“/”)[-5][4:]
- Returns:
DFout – output DataFrame.
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame
- geodezyx.files_rw.read_slr.read_pdm_res_slr_multi(Res_file_list_in, sol='sol')
Read a PDM7 res(idual) file for SLR Validation
- Parameters:
Res_file_list_in (list of str) – List of path of the input res files.
sol (str or lambda fct) – solution name if it is a lambda fct, it will grab the sol name from the full residual path e.g. : solnam = lambda x: x.split(“/”)[-5][4:]
- Returns:
DFout – output DataFrame
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame
geodezyx.files_rw.write_geo_files module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.files_rw contains functions to write misc. geodetic data in dedicated files.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import files_rw
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_geo_files.ine_block_mono(sat, dt_in, extra_intrvl_strt=0.1, extra_intrvl_end=0.4, step=300)
Write an EPOS INE block
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_geo_files.sp3_overlap_creator(ac_list, dir_in, dir_out, suffix_out_input=None, overlap_size=7200, force=False, manage_missing_sats='exclude_missing_epoch', eliminate_null_sat=True, severe=False, separated_systems_export=False, first_date=None, end_date=None, exclude_bad_epoch=True, sys=None, new_name=False)
Generate an SP3 Orbit file with overlap based on the SP3s of the days before and after
- Parameters:
ac_list (list) – 3-character codes of the ACs.
dir_in (str) – where the input sp3 are.
dir_out (str) – where the output sp3 will be outputed.
suffix_out_input (str, optional) – last char of the 3-char. code. if None, then it is the same as input.
overlap_size (int, optional) – Overlapsize. The default is 7200.
force (True, optional) – force overwrite. The default is False.
manage_missing_sats (str, optional) –
‘exclude_missing_day’ : generate a file with only the common sat between the 3 days. Thus, exclude the missing sats for a complete day
’exclude_missing_epoch’ : generate a file with only sat with full epochs
’extrapolate’ : extrapolate the missing sats based on the first/last epoch
The default is ‘exclude_missing_epoch’.
eliminate_null_sat (bool, optional) – eliminate null sat. The default is True.
severe (bool, optional) – raise an exception if problem. The default is False.
separated_systems_export (bool, optional) – export different sp3 for different system. The default is False.
first_date (datetime, optional) – exclude SP3 before this epoch
end_date (datetime, optional) – exclude SP3 after this epoch
exclude_bad_epoch (bool, optional) – remove bad epoch (usually filled with 99999999.9999999 or 0.00000000)
sys (string, optional) – if just to keep one system (e.g.: G)
- Return type:
start/end date are not implemented the force option skips existing files not implemented for new names
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_geo_files.write_clk(DFclk_in, outpath, outname=None, prefix='orb', header='', output_std_values=False)
Write a SP3 Clock file from an Clock DataFrame
- Parameters:
DFclk_in (DataFrame) – Input Clock DataFrame.
outpath (str) – The output path of the file (see also outname).
outname (None or str, optional) – None = outpath is the full path (directory + filename) of the output. A string = a manual name for the file. ‘auto_old_cnv’ = automatically generate the filename (old convention) ‘auto_new_cnv’ = automatically generate the filename (new convention) The default is None.
prefix (str, optional) – the output 3-char. name of the AC. The default is ‘orb’.
header (str, optional) – A string describing the clk file header. The default is “”.
output_std_values (bool, optional) – Add observation sigmas as the last column. The default is False.
- Return type:
The string containing the formatted clock data.
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_geo_files.write_epos_sta_coords(DF_in, file_out, sort_wrt='site', no_time_limit_for_first_period=True, no_time_limit_for_last_period=True, soln_in_DF=True, TRF_name='xTRFnn')
Write an EPOS coordinate file
- Parameters:
DF_in (DataFrame) – Input Orbit DataFrame.
file_out (str) – The output path of the file.
sort_wrt (bool, optional) – Sort the values with respect to a DF column. The default is “site”.
no_time_limit_for_first_period (bool, optional) – No time limit for the first period. The default is True.
no_time_limit_for_last_period (bool, optional) – No time limit for the last period. The default is True.
soln_in_DF (bool, optional) – Soln in DF. The default is True.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_geo_files.write_ine_dummy_file(Sat_list, dt_in, extra_intrvl_strt=0.1, extra_intrvl_end=0.4, step=300, out_file_path=None)
Write an EPOS INE dummy (empty values) file
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_geo_files.write_sndy_light_dat(ts_in, outdir, outprefix)
Not properly implemented
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_geo_files.write_sp3(SP3_DF_in, outpath, outname=None, prefix='orb', skip_null_epoch=True, force_format_c=False)
Write a SP3 file from an Orbit DataFrame
- Parameters:
SP3_DF_in (DataFrame) – Input Orbit DataFrame.
outpath (str) – The output path of the file (see also outname).
outname (None or str, optional) – None = outpath is the full path (directory + filename) of the output. A string = a manual name for the file. ‘auto_old_cnv’ = automatically generate the filename (old convention) ‘auto_new_cnv’ = automatically generate the filename (new convention) The default is None.
prefix (str, optional) – the output 3-char. name of the AC. The default is ‘orb’.
skip_null_epoch (bool, optional) – Do not write an epoch if all sats are null (filtering). The default is True.
force_format_c (bool, optional) – force SP3’s format c. The default is False.
- Return type:
The string containing the formatted SP3 data.
geodezyx.files_rw.write_rinex module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.files_rw contains functions to read RINEX files observation files.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import files_rw
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_rinex.header_rinex3_generic()
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_rinex.write_epoch_rinex3(epoch, nsats, epoch_flag=0, clk_offset=0.0)
Write the epoch line in the RINEX3 format
- Parameters:
epoch (datetime) – the epoch.
nsats (int) – numbers of satellites for the epoch.
epoch_flag (int, optional) – Epoch flag: 0 : OK 1 : power failure between previous and current epoch >1 : Special event (see documentation) The default is 0.
clk_offset (float, optional) – Receiver clock offset correction (seconds, optional). The default is 0..
- Returns:
lout – output string line.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_rinex.write_rinex3(DFrnx_in, rnx_header='')
- geodezyx.files_rw.write_rinex.write_rinex3_body(DFrnx_in)
Write the body (data records) of a RINEX files (Version 3 only)
- Parameters:
DFrnx_in (RINEX DataFrame) – Input RINEX DataFrame.
- Returns:
rnx_str_out (str) – The RINEX data records as string.
dict_sys_obs (dict) – A dictionnary with GNSS system as key (G,R,E…). And the observables for each system as values (gives the order of the observables)