geodezyx.stats package
geodezyx.stats.least_squares module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.stats contains functions for least-squares processing.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import stats
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.bins_middle(bin_edges)
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.chi2_test_frontend(dist_inp, nbins=10, ddof=2, debug=0, mode2=False, aaa=1)
mode1 (par def) : on normalise la theorique et pas la observée mode2 : on normalise la distribution observée est pas la théorique INCOHERENT AVEC MATLAB => A EVITER
Enfin bon, la manière dont on fabrique les valeurs théoriques est quand même un peu vaseuse … penser à porter le code matlab chi2gof.m l.185 Et comprendre aussi pourquoi ils ont un ddof de 2 (quon ajoute ici aussi par bete copiage) …
en debug mode bin_edges,bin_edges2,hist,gauss,chi2
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.chi2_test_lsq(V, A, P=None, fuvin=None, risk=0.05, cleaning_std=False, cleaning_normalized=False, koefP=1)
P est uniquement la diagonale de la matrice des poids
les cleaning sont des astuces pour se rapprocher de 1 (en nettoyant les plus mauvaises valeurs) cleaning_normalized est à privilégier (et override cleaning_std)
koefP est coefficient qu’on donne a P pour trouver une solution viable
si koefP != 1, le nouveau P est donné en avant dernier argument
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.clean_nan(A, L)
A est un array bi dimentionnel L est un array mono dimentionnel renvoie un A et un L nettoyé mutuellement de leurs NaN respectifs return np.sqrt(a + a.T - np.diag(a.diagonal()))
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.constraint_improve_N(N, C, trans=False, outsparsetype='csc')
give N normal matrix and C constraints matrix returns N compined with C trans is a (dirty) way to transpose C if made in wrong shape
convention Ghilani 2011 p424 :
N C.T C 0
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.ellipse_angle_of_rotation(a, outdeg=True)
core fct for ellipse_fit
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.ellipse_axis_length(a)
core fct for ellipse_fit
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.ellipse_center(a)
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.ellipse_fit(x, y)
find the parameters a,b,phi,x0,y0 of an ellipse
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.ellipse_get_coords(a=0.0, b=0.0, x=0.0, y=0.0, angle=0.0, k=2, out_separate_X_Y=True, trigo=True)
Draws an ellipse using (360*k + 1) discrete points; based on pseudo code given at k = 1 means 361 points (degree by degree) a = major axis distance, b = minor axis distance, x = offset along the x-axis y = offset along the y-axis angle = trigo/clockwise rotation [in degrees] of the ellipse;
angle=0 : the ellipse is aligned with the positive x-axis
angle=30 : rotated 30 degrees trigo/clockwise from positive x-axis
trigo sense is the standard convention
- NBclockwise is the internal convention, but we prefer trigo
convention for the Ghiliani ellipses made by error_ellipse_parameters
source :
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.error_ellipse(xm, ym, sigx, sigy, sigxy, nsig=1, ne=100, scale=1)
from matlab fct It works but don’t ask why …
(X,Y) orientation convention is inverted => (Y,X) … so in a practical way you must invert X ,Y (it is not important for the axis but it is for the orientation) AND sigx,sigy,sigxy must be first normalized with the fuv
- sigx, sigy, sigxy :
so as we can generate a covariance matrix cov = np.array([[sigx ** 2,sigxy],[sigxy,sigy ** 2]])
- ne :
nb of segements for the ellipse
si on a xe1,ye1,_,_ = stats.error_ellipse(pxp[0],pxp[1], sigxB , sigyB , sigxyB, scale= 10000) xe2,ye2,_,_ = stats.error_ellipse(pxp[0],pxp[1], sigyB , sigxB , sigxyB, scale= 10000) et PAS les - à D et dxy0 => on a 2 ellipses differentes
si on a xe1,ye1,_,_ = stats.error_ellipse(pxp[0],pxp[1], sigxB , sigyB , sigxyB, scale= 10000) xe2,ye2,_,_ = stats.error_ellipse(pxp[0],pxp[1], sigyB , sigxB , sigxyB, scale= 10000) et AVEC les - à D et dxy0 => on a 2 ellipses differentes au moins une ellipse coincide avec celle de Ghiliani
A investiguer, en attendant, à éviter
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.error_ellipse_parameters(qxx, qyy, qxy, fuv, out_t=False)
qxx,qyy,qxy : factors as in the varcovar matrix (no normalisation with the fuv or other) fuv
Su/a Sb/b : semimajor and semiminor axis t : angle that the u/a axis makes with the y axis in clockwise direction OR phi : angle that the u/a axis makes with the x axis in trigo direction
(this one is the natural way, perfect to test those of the Strang & Borre)
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.error_ellipse_parameters_2(sigx, sigy, sigxy, out_deg=True)
ref : Strang & Borre p 337 (X,Y) orientation convention is inverted => (Y,X) … so in a practical way you must invert X ,Y (it is not important for the axis but it is for the orientation) AND sigx,sigy,sigxy must be normalized with the fuv
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.fitEllipse_core(x, y)
core fct for ellipse_fit
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.fuv_calc(V, A, P=1, normafuv=1)
- Args :
V : residuals vector
A : Jacobian matrix
P : weight matrix
Can manage both standard arrays and sparse array
- Returns :
fuv : Facteur unitaire de variance (unitary variance factor)
- Notes :
le fuv dépend de la martice de poids mais les sigmas non ex : poids de 10**-6 fuv : 439828.260843 sigma : [ 5.21009306 5.09591568 0.04098106] poids de 1 fuv : 4.39828260843e-07 sigma : [ 5.21009306 5.09591568 0.04098106]
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.fuv_calc_OLD(V, A)
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.fuv_calc_OLD2(V, A, P=None)
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.get_accur_coeff(i)
accuracy coefficients given by
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.jacobian(f, var_in_list, var_out, kwargs_f_list=[], h=1e-06, nproc=4)
il n’y a que les kwargs qui sont gérés
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.jacobian_line(f, var_in_list, var_out=0, kwargs_f={}, args_f=[], h=0, aray=True)
same argument as
except var_in becomes var_in_list : it’s an iterable of all variables the derivation must be performed
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.kwargs_for_jacobian(kwdic_generik, kwdic_variables)
Building a list of kwargs for the jacobian function kwdic_generik : parameters which not gonna change kwdic_variable : parameters which gonna change, so must be associated with iterable
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.nan_cleaner(Ain, Bin)
remove A & B of their respective NaN
- Args :
Ain , Bin : lists/arrays
- Returns:
A & B withour NaN
- Return type:
Aout , Bout
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.partial_derive(f, var_in, var_out=0, kwargs_f={}, args_f=[], h=0, accur=-1)
This function computes the partial derivatives of a python function
- Parameters:
f (Python function) – the python function which will be derivated. this function must return a scalar. the parameter of f suseptibles to be derivated must be scalars. i.e. if for isntace you want to derivate a position vector X = [x,y,z] f must take as argument f(x,y,z) and not f(X)
var_in (int or string) – the detrivation is with respect to this variable can be a int (starts with 0) or a string describing the name of the var in f arguments.
var_out (int) – the output of f which needs to be considerated as the output ** must be an int ** The default is 0.
kwargs_f (dict, optional) – dictionary describing the arguments of f. The default is {}.
args_f (iterable, optional) – tuple/list & dict describing the arguments of f. The default is [].
h (float, optional) – derivation step, if h == 0 give x * sqrt(epsilon) (source : .
accur (int, optional) – accuracy coefficient index. -1 is the best but the slowest. The default is -1.
- Returns:
dout – the derivative of f w.r.t. var_in.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.partial_derive_old(f, var_in, var_out=0, kwargs_f={}, args_f=[], h=0)
- var_in :
detrivation with respect to this variable can be a int (starts with 0) or a string descirbing the name of the var in f
- var_out :
the output of f which needs to be considerated as the output ** must be a int **
- args_f & kwargs_f :
tuple/list & dict describing the arguments of f
- h :
derivation step, if h == 0 give x * sqrt(epsilon) (source :
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.sigmas_formal_calc(N, V, A, fuv=None, P=None)
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.smart_i_giver(subgrp_len_list, i_in_sublis, sublis_id, advanced=False, sublis_id_list=[])
eg subgrp_len_list = [4201, 4186, 4157, 4041, 4058, 4204, 4204, 4204, 4204] i_in_sublis = 2 sublis_id = 3 return 4201 + 4186 + 4157 + 2
advanced = True: the sublis_id is not a int but and generic identifier ( str ,int , set … ) present in sublis_id_list else must be an int
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.triangle_arr2vect(triarrin, k=1)
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.weight_mat(Sinp, Ninp=[], fuvinp=1, sparsediag=False)
- Args :
Sinp : liste des Sigmas sig = sqrt(var) Ninp : liste de la taille de chaque blocs (obs) fuvinp = 1 : facteur unitaire de variance inspiré de mat_poids , fct écrite dans la lib resolution de GPShApy
- Returns :
K : matrice de var-covar Q : matrice des cofacteurs P : matrice des poids inv(Q)
- geodezyx.stats.least_squares.weight_mat_simple(Pinp, Ninp=[], sparsediag=False, return_digaonal_only=False)
Simple version of weight_mat : takes directly the weights (Pinp) and the size for each weigths blocks (Ninp)
Pinp and Ninp have to have the same length
- Args :
Pinp : list of weigths Ninp : list of the size of each block (obs number) fuvinp = 1 : facteur unitaire de variance
- Returns :
P : weigth matrix
geodezyx.stats.stats module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.stats contains functions for low-level statistics.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import stats
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.stats.stats.RMSmean(indata)
returns RMS mean of a list/array
useless redundancy with rms_mean this function use shall be avoided
- geodezyx.stats.stats.butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=5)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.color_of_season(datein)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.confid_interval_slope(x, y, alpha=0.95)
Calcule un intervalle de confiance sur une tendance En entrée: x = la variable indépendante
y = la variable dépendante alpha = la probabilité d’erreur tolérée
- En sortie: mi = la borne inférieure de l’intervalle
ma = la borne supérieure de l’intervalle
Source (???? => En fait non …)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.dates_middle(start, end)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.detrend_timeseries(X, Y)
detrend, i.e. remove linear tendence of a timeserie Y(X)
- Parameters:
Y (X &) – Values
- Returns:
X & Yout – Detrended Y
- Return type:
list or numpy.array
- geodezyx.stats.stats.find_intersection(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.gaussian_filter_GFZ_style_smoother(tim_ref, dat_ref, width=7)
Gaussian filter to smooth data, based on GFZ’s
- Args :
tim_ref : the X/T component of the time serie (in decimal days !)
dat_ref : the Y component (the data)
width : size of the window (odd number is best ?)
- Returns :
dat_smt : smoothed Y
- NB :
Some other nice ideas here
THE PYTHONIC VERSION gaussian_filter_GFZ_style_smoother_improved BELOW SHOULD BE USED !!!
- geodezyx.stats.stats.gaussian_filter_GFZ_style_smoother_improved(tim_ref, dat_ref, width=7)
Gaussian filter to smooth data, based on GFZ’s
- Parameters:
tim_ref (iterable (list or array)) – the X/T component of the time serie (in decimal days!)
dat_ref (iterable (list or array)) – the Y component (the data).
width (int, optional) – size of the window (odd number is best ?). The default is 7.
- Returns:
dat_smt2 – smoothed Y.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.stats.stats.get_season(now)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.harmonic_mean(A)
harmonic mean of a list/array A
- geodezyx.stats.stats.lagrange1(points)
Low level function to determine a lagrangian polynom
Replace scipy.interpolate.lagrange which is HIGHLY instable
- Parameters:
points (list of n-interable) – point list.
- Returns:
P (function) – function representing the polynom.
from (
- geodezyx.stats.stats.lagrange2(X, Y)
Low level function to determine a lagrangian polynom
Replace scipy.interpolate.lagrange which is HIGHLY instable
this function is more pythonic, but slower thant lagrange1….
- Parameters:
points (list of n-interable) – point list.
- Returns:
P (function) – function representing the polynom.
from (
- geodezyx.stats.stats.lagrange_interpolate(Tdata, Ydata, Titrp, n=10)
Perform a temporal lagrangian interpolation the X-component is a time
- Parameters:
Tdata (iterable of datetime) – X/T component of the known points.
Ydata (iterable of floats) – Y component of the known points..
Titrp (iterable of datetime) – Epochs of the wished points.
n (int, optional) – degree of the polynom. Better if even. The default is 10.
- Returns:
Yintrp (float array) – output interpolated data.
Use conv.dt_range to generate the wished epochs range
- geodezyx.stats.stats.linear_coef_a_b(x1, y1, x2, y2)
Gives coefficients of the line between two points (x1,y1) & (x2,y2) x1,y1,x2,y2 can be iterables
- Parameters:
x1 (float or list or numpy.array) – Coordinates of the 1st and the 2nd point
y1 (float or list or numpy.array) – Coordinates of the 1st and the 2nd point
x2 (float or list or numpy.array) – Coordinates of the 1st and the 2nd point
y2 (float or list or numpy.array) – Coordinates of the 1st and the 2nd point
- Returns:
a (float) – regression coefficient
b1 & b2 (float) – regression offsets coefficient (b1 must be equal to b2)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.linear_reg_getvalue(X, a, b, full=True)
From a vector X and coefficients a & b, get Y = a*X + b
- Parameters:
X (list or numpy.array) – Values
b (a &) – Linear regression coefficients
full (bool) – True : return X , Y = aX + b , False : return Y = aX + b
- Returns:
Y (numpy.array) – if full == False
X , Y (numpy.array) – if full == True
Unstable while working with POSIX Time as X-data (too heigh values ? …) Decimal Years are recommended
- geodezyx.stats.stats.linear_regression(x, y, fulloutput=False, simple_lsq=False, alpha=0.95)
Performs linear regression on two vectors, X and Y, and returns the coefficients a (slope) and b (intercept).
- Parameters:
x (list or numpy.array) – The X values.
y (list or numpy.array) – The Y values.
simple_lsq (bool, optional) – If True, performs a basic, low-level least square inversion (faster, but less outputs). If False, calls scipy’s linregress. Default is False.
fulloutput (bool, optional) – If True, returns additional outputs (confidence interval for the slope and standard deviation). Default is False.
alpha (float, optional) – The alpha value for the confidence interval. Default is .95.
- Returns:
slope (float) – The slope (a) of the linear regression.
intercept (float) – The intercept (b) of the linear regression.
confid_interval_slope (tuple of float, optional) – The confidence interval for the slope. Only returned if fulloutput is True.
std_err (float, optional) – The standard deviation. Only returned if fulloutput is True.
This function performs a similar job to scipy.stats.linregress.
Regarding computation speed: low-level least square inversion is faster for small datasets. For larger datasets, scipy’s linregress is faster (n points > ~13000).
- geodezyx.stats.stats.mad(data, mode='median')
returns Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) a list/array
- geodezyx.stats.stats.movingaverage(values, window)
including valid will REQUIRE there to be enough datapoints. for example, if you take out valid, it will start @ point one, not having any prior points, so itll be 1+0+0 = 1 /3 = .3333
- geodezyx.stats.stats.movingaverage_bis(interval, window_size, convolve_mode='same')
moyenne glissante, plus lente mais donne une sortie de meme taille que l’entrée
- geodezyx.stats.stats.movingaverage_ter(data, window_width) Roman Kh ans
- geodezyx.stats.stats.outlier_above_below(X, threshold_values, reference=<function nanmean>, theshold_absolute=True, return_booleans=True, theshold_relative_value='reference', verbose=False)
Gives values of X which are between threshold values
- Parameters:
threshold_values (single value (float) or a 2-tuple) –
(lower bound theshold , upper bound theshold)
WARN : those value(s) have to be positives. Minus sign for lower bound and plus sign for upper one will be applied internally
reference (float or callable) – the central reference value can be a absolute fixed value (float) or a function (e.g. np.mean of np.median)
theshold_absolute (bool) –
- if True threshold_values are absolutes values
>>> low = reference - threshold_values[0] >>> upp = reference + threshold_values[1]
- if False they are fractions of theshold_relative_value
>>> low = reference - threshold_values[0] * theshold_relative_value >>> upp = reference + threshold_values[1] * theshold_relative_value
(see also below)
theshold_relative_value (str or function) – if the string “reference” or None is given, then it the reference value which is used if it is a fuction (e.g. np.std()) then it is this value returned by this function which is used Only useful when theshold_absolute = False
return_booleans (bool) – return booleans or not
verbose (bool)
- Returns:
Xout (numpy array) – X between low_bound & upp_bound
bbool (numpy array) – X-sized array of booleans
- geodezyx.stats.stats.outlier_above_below_binom(Y, X, threshold_values, reference=<function nanmean>, theshold_absolute=True, theshold_relative_value='reference', return_booleans=False, detrend_first=True, verbose=False)
Gives values of Y which are between threshold values, and correct an associated X so as X => Y(X)
- Parameters:
threshold_values (single value (float) or a 2-tuple) –
(lower bound theshold , upper bound theshold)
WARN : those value(s) have to be positives. Minus sign for lower bound and plus sign for upper one will be applied internally
reference (float or callable) – the central reference value can be a absolute fixed value (float) or a function (e.g. np.mean of np.median)
theshold_absolute (bool) –
- if True threshold_values are absolutes values
>>> low = reference - threshold_values[0] >>> upp = reference + threshold_values[1]
- if False they are fractions of theshold_relative_value
>>> low = reference - threshold_values[0] * theshold_relative_value >>> upp = reference + threshold_values[1] * theshold_relative_value
(see also below)
theshold_relative_value (str or function) – if the string “reference” or None is given, then it the reference value which is used if it is a fuction (e.g. np.std()) then it is this value returned by this function which is used Only useful when theshold_absolute = False
detrend_first (bool) – detrend linear behavior of Y(X) first Recommended
return_booleans (bool) – return booleans or not
verbose (bool)
- Returns:
Xout (numpy array) – X between low_bound & upp_bound
bbool (numpy array) – X-sized array of booleans
- geodezyx.stats.stats.outlier_above_below_simple(X, low_bound, upp_bound, return_booleans=True)
Gives values of X which are between low_bound & upp_bound
- Parameters:
X (list or numpy.array) – Values
upp_bound (low_bound &) – lower and upper bound of X values wished
return_booleans (bool) – return booleans or not
- Returns:
Xout (numpy.array) – X between low_bound & upp_bound
bbool (bool) – X-sized array of booleans
- geodezyx.stats.stats.outlier_mad(data, threshold=3.5, verbose=False, convert_to_np_array=True, mad_mode='median', seuil=None)
clean the outlier of Ya dataset using the MAD approach
- Parameters:
data (list or numpy.array) – Values
threshold (float) – MAD threshold
verbose (bool)
convert_to_np_array (bool) – if True returns output as an array, if False as a regular list
mad_mode (str) – ‘median’ or ‘mean’ : MAD can also be based on mean (for experimental purposes)
seuil (float, optional) – legacy name of ‘threshold’ argument. will override threshold value if given
- Returns:
dataout (numpy.array) – Values cleaned of outliers
boolbad (numpy.array) – Y-sized booleans
Utilisation de la MAD pour detecter les outliers
http (//
http (//
- geodezyx.stats.stats.outlier_mad_binom(Y, X, threshold=3.5, verbose=False, detrend_first=False, return_booleans=False)
clean the outlier of Y using the MAD approach and clean the corresponding values in X assuming that we have the function : X => Y(X) (be carefull, Y is the first argument)
- Parameters:
Y (list or numpy.array) – Values
X (list or numpy.array) – X Values so as X => Y(X)
threshold (float) – MAD threshold
verbose (bool)
detrend_first (bool) – detrend linear behavior of Y(X) first
return_booleans (bool) – return good and bad values of Y and X as booleans
- Returns:
Yclean & Xclean (numpy.array)
bb (numpy.array (if return_booleans == True)) – Y-sized booleans
- geodezyx.stats.stats.outlier_mad_binom_legacy(X, Y, threshold=3.5, verbose=False, detrend_first=False, return_booleans=False)
clean the outlier of X and clean the corresponding values in Y
legacy : order of X Y is different than in the main version, and here it might be unstable for the detrend
- geodezyx.stats.stats.outlier_overmean(Xin, Yin, marge=0.1)
really old and discontinued, use outlier_above_below instead
- geodezyx.stats.stats.outlier_sigma(datasigmain, threshold=3)
si un point a un sigma > threshold * moy(sigmas) on le vire
really old and discontinued, and not really efficient
- geodezyx.stats.stats.plot_vertical_bar(xlis, color='r', linewidth=1)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.plot_vertical_bar_ax(xlis, ax_in, color='r', linewidth=1)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.rms_mean(A)
returns RMS mean of a list/array
- geodezyx.stats.stats.rms_mean_alternativ(A)
returns “GRGS style” RMS of a list/array the arithmetic mean of the values is substracted from the values NB 1808 : It is basically the standard deviation …
i.e. _ √< (A - A)^2 > instead of √< (A)^2 >
- geodezyx.stats.stats.rms_mean_kouba(A, multipl_coef=3, deg_of_freedom=7)
returns RMS mean of a list/array
- geodezyx.stats.stats.runningMean(x, N)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.running_mean(data_in, window, convolve_mode='same')
Gives running mean / moving average of data
- Parameters:
data_in (list or numpy.array) – Values
window (float or int) – Size of the window for the running mean
convolve_mode (str) – (expert) mode for the underlying convolution
- Returns:
data_run – running mean of data_in (sane size as data_in) should stay “same”
- Return type:
- Nota :
After a stress test, this one is the only one to provide an output with same size as input AND not shifted This fct is slow but at leat, do the job
See running_mean_help for more details
convolve_mode should stay fixed as “same”
- Nota 2 (for developpers) :
Wrapper based on fct movingaverage_bis
The substraction of the mean is an empirical trick
- geodezyx.stats.stats.running_mean_core(x, N)
moyenne glissante Alleo answer
- geodezyx.stats.stats.running_mean_help()
- geodezyx.stats.stats.sinusoide(T, A, omega, phi=0, f=None)
produce a sinusoidal waveform
- Parameters:
T (float) – time variable.
A (float) – amplitude, the peak deviation of the function from zero.
omega (float, optional) – ω = 2πf, angular frequency, the rate of change of the function argument in units of radians per second.
phi (float, optional) – phase, specifies (in radians) where in its cycle the oscillation is at t = 0. The default is 0.
f (float) – ordinary frequency, the number of oscillations (cycles) that occur each second of time. If given, it overrides the angular frequency omega. Thus, to use it, declare also omega = 0 The default is None.
- Returns:
a sinusoidal waveform.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.stats.stats.smooth(x, window_len=11, window='hanning')
smooth the data using a window with requested size.
This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window with the signal. The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal (with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized in the begining and end part of the output signal.
NOTA PERSO : works only for equaly spaced data ….
- input:
x: the input signal window_len: the dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer window: the type of window from ‘flat’, ‘hanning’, ‘hamming’, ‘bartlett’, ‘blackman’
flat window will produce a moving average smoothing.
- output:
the smoothed signal
t=linspace(-2,2,0.1) x=sin(t)+randn(len(t))*0.1 y=smooth(x)
see also:
numpy.hanning, numpy.hamming, numpy.bartlett, numpy.blackman, numpy.convolve scipy.signal.lfilter
TODO: the window parameter could be the window itself if an array instead of a string NOTE: length(output) != length(input), to correct this: return y[(window_len/2-1):-(window_len/2)] instead of just y. SOURCE :
- geodezyx.stats.stats.time_win_basic(start, end, Tlisin, Datalisin, outposix=True, invert=False, out_array=False, out_boolis=False, only_boolis=False)
In Intern, we works in POSIX
- only_boolisTo gain speed, no operation on Tlis & Datalisin is be done
None is outputed for Tlisout , Datalisout
- Outputs :
- If out_boolis == True:
Tlisout , Datalisout , boolis
- If out_boolis == False:
Tlisout , Datalisout
- geodezyx.stats.stats.time_win_multi(start, end, Tlist, Datalislis, outposix=True, invert=False, out_array=False)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.time_win_multi_start_end(Start_list_in, End_list_in, Tlisin, Datalisin, outposix=True, invert=False, out_array=False, out_boolis=False)
In Intern, we works in POSIX
- Outputs :
- If out_boolis == True:
Tlisout , Datalisout , boolis_opera , boolis_stk (4 values !!)
- If out_boolis == False:
Tlisout , Datalisout
- geodezyx.stats.stats.wrapTo180(lon)
- geodezyx.stats.stats.wrapTo360(lon)