geodezyx.utils package
geodezyx.utils.dict_utils module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.utils contains functions for operations related to Python’s dictionary manipulations.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import utils
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.utils.dict_utils.dic_key_for_vals_list_finder(dic_in, value_in)
- dic_in is a dict like :
dic_in[key1] = [val1a , val1b] dic_in[key2] = [val2a , val2b , val2c]
E.g. if value_in = val2b then the function returns key2
- NBthe function returns the first value found, then
dic_in has to be injective !!
- geodezyx.utils.dict_utils.dicts_merge(*dict_args)
Given any number of dicts, shallow copy and merge into a new dict, precedence goes to key value pairs in latter dicts.
WARN : first values will be erased if the same key is present in following dicts !!!
- geodezyx.utils.dict_utils.dicts_of_list_merge(*dict_args)
- geodezyx.utils.dict_utils.dicts_of_list_merge_mono(dol1, dol2)
geodezyx.utils.list_utils module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.utils contains functions for operations related to Python’s list manipulations.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import utils
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.chunkIt(seq, num)
make num sublists of a list
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.consecutive_groupIt(data, only_start_end=False)
Identify groups of continuous numbers in a list
Useful for time period with a prealable conversion to MJD
Source :
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.decimateIt(listin, n)
n so as np.mod(i,n) == 0
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.df_sel_val_in_col(DF, col_name, col_val)
Return a selected value of a column in a DataFrame i.e. return DF[DF[col_name] == col_val]
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.dicofdic(mat, names)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.duplicates_finder(seq)
from moooeeeep solution
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.find_common_elts(*lists)
Find common elements in different lists
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.find_index_multi_occurences(L, elt)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.find_interval_bound(listin, val, outindexes=True)
trouve les bornes d’un intervalle (listin est supposé triée)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.find_nearest(listin, value)
- Returns:
value of the nearest , index of the nearest
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.find_regex_in_list(regex, L, only_first_occurence=False, line_number=False)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.find_surrounding(L, v)
find the surrounding values
- Parameters:
L (Iterable) – Input list/array.
- Returns:
surrounding_values (tuple) – surounding values.
surrounding_index (tuple) – surounding indexes.
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.get_interval(start, end, delta)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.groups_near_central_values(A, tol, B=None)
beta … bug if tol is bad tol : absolute tolerance 170514 : B is an annex list
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.identical_consecutive_eltsIt(Lin)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.identical_groupIt(data)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.is_listoflist(inp)
check if inp is a list of list [[…] , […] , … ,[…]]
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.median_improved(L)
manage the case where len(L) is even in this case, doesn’t return the mean of the 2 medians, but the nearest value
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.middle(Lin)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.minmax(L)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.most_common(lst)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.occurence(L, tolerence=None, pretty_output=False)
- Input :
- tolerencetolerence to find close elements of L
if no tolerence is given then a set() is used
- Returns :
- if pretty_output = False :
return a list of 2-tuples : (element of the list, number of occurence of this element in the list)
if pretty_output 0 True :
- Notapretty_output is implemented because the first mode is not really useful (180612)
the equal test is also replaced by is close
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.second_smallest(numbers)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.shrink_listoflist(lin)
if lin (list in) is a list of list and contains only one element then returns the sublist, e.g. : [[a,b,c]] => [a,b,c]
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.sliceIt(seq, num)
make sublist of num elts of a list
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.sort_binom_list(X, Y, array_out=False)
sort Y according to X and sort X
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.sort_multinom_list(X, *Y)
sort Y according to X and sort X
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.sort_table(table, col)
sort a table by multiple columns table: a list of lists (or tuple of tuples) where each inner list
represents a row
cols: specifying the column numbers to sort by
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.sublistsIt(seq, lenofsublis_lis, output_array=False)
make sublists of seq , accoding to len of the sublist in lenofsublis_lis ex lenofsublis_lis = [2,3,4,2]
if output_array : output list of array , else list of list
(fct perso)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.trio_lists_2_tab(Xlis, Ylis, Vlis)
From a trio of lists Xlis => parameter you want in columns Ylis => parameter you want in rows Vlis => data(X,Y)
make a tab compatible with mabular module tabulate(Finalis, headers=”firstrow”)
NB : very dirty research of the elements …
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.uniq_and_sort(L, natural_sort=True)
In a list, remove duplicates and sort the list
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.uniq_set_list(setlis, frozen=True)
uniqify a list of sets
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.uniqify_list(seq, idfun=None)
order preserving uniq function based on
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.uniqify_list_of_lists(L)
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.uniquetol(A, tol)
tol : absolute tolerance source
- geodezyx.utils.list_utils.uniquetol2(A, tol=1e-06)
This one is faster
geodezyx.utils.pandas_utils module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.utils contains functions for operations related to Python’s Pandas object manipulations.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import utils
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.utils.pandas_utils.diff_pandas(DF, col_name, use_np_diff=False)
Differentiate a Pandas DataFrame, if index is time.
This function calculates the difference between consecutive elements in a specified column of a DataFrame. The difference is divided by the difference in time (seconds) between the corresponding indices. This is essentially a derivative operation, assuming the index represents time.
- Parameters:
DF (pandas.DataFrame) – The input DataFrame. The index should represent time.
col_name (str) – The name of the column in the DataFrame that you want to differentiate.
use_np_diff (bool, optional) – If True, use Numpy’s diff. Default is False. This option has a (much) faster execution speed.
- Returns:
The differentiated column of the input DataFrame. The type of the return value depends on the ‘return_array’ parameter. If ‘return_array’ is False (default), a DataFrame is returned. If ‘return_array’ is True, a numpy array is returned.
- Return type:
pandas.DataFrame or numpy.array
- geodezyx.utils.pandas_utils.pandas_DF_2_tuple_serie(DFin, columns_name_list, reset_index_first=False)
This function is made to solve the multiple columns selection problem the idea is :
S1 = pandas_DF_2_tuple_serie(DF1 , columns_name_list) S2 = pandas_DF_2_tuple_serie(DF2 , columns_name_list) BOOL = S1.isin(S2) DF1[BOOL]
- geodezyx.utils.pandas_utils.pandas_DF_print(DFin)
- geodezyx.utils.pandas_utils.pandas_column_rename_dic(*inpnames)
wrapper of renamedic_fast_4_pandas
EXEMPLE : rnamedic = utils.renamedic_fast_4_pandas(*[“zmax”,”ang”,”zsmooth”,”smoothtype”,”xgrad”,”ygrad”,
‘r_eiko’,’z_eiko’,’pt_eiko_x’,’pt_eiko_y’,”t_eiko”, ‘r_sd’, ‘z_sd’, ‘pt_sd_x’ ,’pt_sd_y’ ,’t_sd’, ‘diff_x’,’diff_y’,’diff’,’diff_t’])
pda = pda.rename(columns = rnamedic)
- geodezyx.utils.pandas_utils.renamedic_fast_4_pandas(*inpnames)
EXEMPLE : rnamedic = utils.renamedic_fast_4_pandas(*[“zmax”,”ang”,”zsmooth”,”smoothtype”,”xgrad”,”ygrad”,
‘r_eiko’,’z_eiko’,’pt_eiko_x’,’pt_eiko_y’,”t_eiko”, ‘r_sd’, ‘z_sd’, ‘pt_sd_x’ ,’pt_sd_y’ ,’t_sd’, ‘diff_x’,’diff_y’,’diff’,’diff_t’])
pda = pda.rename(columns = rnamedic)
geodezyx.utils.plot_utils module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.utils contains functions for operations related to Python’s plot operations.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import utils
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.utils.plot_utils.axis_data_coords_sys_transform(axis_obj_in, xin, yin, inverse=False)
inverse = False : Axis => Data = True : Data => Axis
- geodezyx.utils.plot_utils.color_list(L, colormap='jet')
- geodezyx.utils.plot_utils.colors_from_colormap_getter(ncolors, colormap='viridis')
- geodezyx.utils.plot_utils.figure_saver(figobjt_in, outdir, outname, outtype=('.png', '.pdf', '.figpik'), formt=None, dpi=200, transparent=False)
This function provides a front end to export pretty-print plots
- Parameters:
figobjt_in (matplotlib Figure object) – input matplotlib Figure object. use for instance plt.gcf() to get it.
outdir (str) – the output directory.
outname (str) – output prefix filename.
outtype (tuple, optional) – the output formats. The default is (‘.png’,’.pdf’,’.figpik’).
formt (2-tuple or string , optional) – the format (size) of the plot. if string: a Ax format (A4, A3 etc…) if tuple: size of the plot in inches. The default is None.
dpi (int, optional) – DPI of the figure. The default is 200.
transparent (bool, optional) – make the plot transparent. The default is False.
- Returns:
outpath_stk – output paths of the plots.
- Return type:
string or list of string
- geodezyx.utils.plot_utils.gaussian_for_plot(D, density=False, nbins=500, nsigma=3.5)
generate a gaussian curve for histogram plot
- Parameters:
D (iterable) – data vector.
density (bool, optional) – Adapted curve for desity mode. The default is False.
nbins (int, optional) – number of bins. The default is 500.
nsigma (TYPE, optional) – n sigmas for the x axis. The default is 3.5.
- Returns:
Xpdf (array) – gaussian curve x.
Ypdf_out (TYPE) – gaussian curve x.
- geodezyx.utils.plot_utils.get_figure(figin=0)
- geodezyx.utils.plot_utils.id2val(value_lis, id_lis, idin)
from a value list and a id pointer list return the good val from the good id replace dico bc. set is not supproted as key
- geodezyx.utils.plot_utils.set_size_for_pub(width=418.25368, fraction=1, subplot=[1, 1])
Set aesthetic figure dimensions to avoid scaling in latex.
- Parameters:
width (float) – Width in pts
fraction (float) – Fraction of the width which you wish the figure to occupy
- Returns:
fig_dim – Dimensions of figure in inches
- Return type:
- geodezyx.utils.plot_utils.symbols_list(L=None)
- geodezyx.utils.plot_utils.ylim_easy(Lin, delta=0.1, min_null_if_neg=False)
geodezyx.utils.shell_like module
@author: psakic
- This sub-module of geodezyx.utils contains functions for Shell-like
operations in Python.
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import utils
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
-, *infilenames)
Is for concatenating files … For just a print, use cat_print !
kindall response
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.cat_print(inpfile)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.cat_remove_header(infilepath, outfilepath, header='', header_included=False)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.check_regex(filein, regex)
verfie si un fichier contient une regex retourne un booleen
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.copy_recursive(src, dst, force=False)
Copy a directory recursively from src to dst with an option to force overwrite.
- Parameters:
src (str) – The source directory path.
dst (str) – The destination directory path.
force (bool, optional) – If True, overwrite the destination directory if it exists. Default is False.
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.create_dir(directory)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.egrep_big_string(regex, bigstring, only_first_occur=False)
perform a regex grep on a big string sepatated with
NB : must be improved with regular pattern matching, wo regex
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.empty_file_check(fpath)
Check if a file is empty or not. NB : Also check if the file exists
- Parameters:
fpath (str) – the file path
- Returns:
True – the file is empty or does not exist
False – the file exists and is not empty
http (//
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.fileprint(output, outfile)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.find_recursive(parent_folder, pattern, sort_results=True, case_sensitive=True, extended_file_stats=False, warn_if_empty=True, regex=False)
Find files in a folder and his sub-folders in a recursive way.
- Parameters:
parent_folder (str) – the parent folder path
pattern (str) – the researched files pattern name (can manage wildcard or regex) - wildcard (only * and ?) for case_sensitive = True - regex for case_sensitive = False
sort_results (bool) – Sort results
case_sensitive (bool) – Case sensitive or not. If False, the pattern must be a regex Deprecated since 2025-01, use regex instead
extended_file_stats (bool) –
if True, returns the stats of the files the outputed matches list will be a list of tuples (file_path,stat_object), where stat_object has the following attributes
st_mode - protection bits,
st_ino - inode number,
st_dev - device,
st_nlink - number of hard links,
st_uid - user id of owner,
st_gid - group id of owner,
st_size - size of file, in bytes,
st_atime - time of most recent access,
st_mtime - time of most recent content modification,
- st_ctime - platform dependent; time of most recent metadata
change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows)
warn_if_empty (bool) – print a debug warning if no files are found
regex (bool) – if True, the pattern in a regular expression. Default is False
- Returns:
matches (list) – Found files
https (//
https (//
(for the case unsensitive case)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.glob_smart(dir_path, file_pattern=None, verbose=True)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.grep(file_in, search_string, only_first_occur=False, invert=False, regex=False, line_number=False, col=(None, None), force_list_output=False)
if nothing is found returns a empty string : “” (and NOT a singleton list with an empty string inside)
- Args :
- colDefine the columns where the grep is executed
(Not delimited columns , one character = a new column) from 1st col. / until last col. : use None as index
force_list_output : if the output is an unique element, it will be returned in a list anyway
search_string can be a list (150721 change)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.grep_boolean(file_in, search_string)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.head(filename, count=1)
This one is fairly trivial to implement but it is here for completeness.
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.insert_lines_in_file(file_path, text_values, lines_ids)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.insert_str_in_file_if_line_contains(file_path, str_to_insert, line_pattern_tup, position=None, only_first_occur=False)
NB : position is not implemented
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.is_exe(fpath)
Chech if a file is executable
- Parameters:
fpath (str) – file path.
- Returns:
is executable.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.regex2filelist(dossier, regex, outtype='file')
a partir d’un chemin de dossier et d’une regex, donne les éléments du dossier correspondant à la regex
OUTTYPE : file : juste les fichiers
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.regex_OR_from_list(listin)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.remove_dir(directory)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.replace(file_path, pattern, subst)
Replace a string in a file with a substitute
- Parameters:
file_path (str) – path of the file.
pattern (str) – string to be replaced.
subst (str) – string which will be substituted.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.subprocess_frontend(cmd_in, save_log=False, log_dir=None, log_name_out='out.log', log_name_err='err.log', logname_timestamp=False)
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.tail(filename, count=1, offset=1024)
A more efficent way of getting the last few lines of a file. Depending on the length of your lines, you will want to modify offset to get better performance.
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.uncompress(pathin, dirout='', opts='-f')
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.walk_dir(parent_dir)
from a main parent_dir returns files_list & dirs_list all the files and all the dirs in the parent_dir
- geodezyx.utils.shell_like.write_in_file(string_to_write, outdir_or_outpath, outname='', ext='.txt', encoding='utf8', append=False)
encoding : utf8, latin_1
check the following commented old version if troubles
geodezyx.utils.utils_core module
@author: psakic
This sub-module of geodezyx.utils contains functions for misc. low level function
it can be imported directly with: from geodezyx import utils
The GeodeZYX Toolbox is a software for simple but useful functions for Geodesy and Geophysics under the GNU LGPL v3 License
Copyright (C) 2019 Pierre Sakic et al. (IPGP, GitHub repository :
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.Aformat(A, landscape=True)
- class geodezyx.utils.utils_core.Tee(*files)
Internal class for Tee_frontend
based on Secondary links
- flush()
- pause()
- restart()
- stop()
- write(obj)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.Tee_frontend(dir_in, logname_in, suffix='', ext='log', print_timestamp=True)
Write in a file the console output
- Parameters:
dir_in (str) – directory path.
logname_in (str) – logfile name.
suffix (str, optional) – An optional suffix. The default is ‘’.
ext (str, optional) – file extension. The default is ‘log’.
print_timestamp (bool, optional) – print a timestamp in the filename. The default is True.
- Returns:
F_tee – Object controling the output
- Return type:
F_tee object
It is recommended to stop the writing at the end of the script with F_tee.stop()
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.add_symbol_to_new_lines(s, symbol='·')
Adds a specified symbol to the beginning of each new line in a multi-line string.
- Parameters:
s (str) – The input multi-line string.
symbol (str, optional) – The symbol to add to each new line. Default is ‘·’.
- Returns:
The modified string with the symbol added to each new line.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.alphabet(num=None)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.alphabet_reverse(letter=None)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.array_from_lists(*listsin)
fonction pour arreter de galerer avec les conversions de lists => matrices
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.boolean_dict(list_of_keywords)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.clear_all()
Clears all the variables from the workspace of the spyder application.
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.dday()
Give the time span between present and toolbox author’s PhD defense date
(tests also the console messages)
- Returns:
D – elapsed time.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.detect_encoding(file_path)
Detect the encoding of a text file.
This function uses the chardet library to detect the encoding of a given text file. It reads the file line by line and feeds each line to a chardet UniversalDetector. When the detector has made a determination, it stops reading the file and returns the detected encoding.
- Parameters:
file_path (str) – The path to the text file for which to detect the encoding.
- Returns:
str – The detected encoding of the text file.
https (//
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.diagonalize(x, n=10)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.docstring_generic()
prints and returns an prototype generic docstring. Based on Numpy docstring convention
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.eval_a_dict(dictin, where, verbose=True)
where is most of time globals() WARN : doesnt work in a function !!! use instead : for k,v in booldic.items():
globals()[k] = v locals()[k] = v
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.extract_text_between_elements(file_path, elt_start, elt_end)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.extract_text_between_elements_2(file_path, elt_start, elt_end, return_string=False, nth_occur_elt_start=0, nth_occur_elt_end=0, invert=False, verbose=False)
This function is based on REGEX (elt_start , elt_end are REGEX) and can manage several blocks in the same file
return_string = True : returns a string of the matched lines return_string = False : returns a list of the matched lines invert : exclude text between the pattern
- NBin SINEX context, with “+MARKER”, use backslash i.e.
NB2 : think about StingIO for a Pandas DataFrame Handeling
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.get_computer_name()
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.get_function_name()
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.get_specific_locals(prefix)
get locals params with ‘prefix’ in the name can actually be a suffix
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.get_timestamp(outstring=True)
frontend to get easily a timestamp
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.get_type_smart(obj_in)
get type of an object, to convert easily another one to this type for instance type(np.array(A)) doesn’t return a constructor
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.get_username()
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.globals_filtered()
Filter globals() varirables with only compatible variables for pickle.
- Returns:
data_out – filtered globals() variables.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.greek_alphabet(num=None, maj=False)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.indice_printer(i, print_every=10, text_before='')
print an index every N iteration
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.is_iterable(inp, consider_str_as_iterable=False, consider_dict_as_iterable=False)
Test if the input is an iterable like a list or a numpy array or not
- Parameters:
inp (list, numpy.array, ...)
consider_str_as_iterable (bool) – string are considered as iterable by Python per default This boolean will avoid True as return if you test a string
- Returns:
out – True if inp is iterable, False either
- Return type:
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.is_lambda(v)
Check if v is lambda
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.is_not_iterable(inp, consider_str_as_iterable=False)
Simple negation of is_iterable()
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.join_improved(strseparat, *varsin)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.line_count(filein)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.line_in_file_checker(file_path, string)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.mdot(*args)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.mdotr(*args)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.memmap_from_array(arrin)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.mmpa(arrin)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.multidot(tupin)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.open_readlines_smart(file_in, decode_type='iso-8859-1', verbose=False)
This function takes an input object, opens it, and reads its lines. The input file can be the path of a file as a string or as a Path object, or the file content as a string, bytes, StringIO object, or a list of lines.
- Parameters:
file_in (various) – An input object. This can be a string representing a file path, a Path object, a string representing file content, bytes, a StringIO object, or a list of lines.
decode_type (str, optional) – The decode standard. Default is “iso-8859-1”.
verbose (bool, optional) – If set to True, the function will print the type of the input file. Default is False.
- Returns:
lines – A list of the lines in the input file.
- Return type:
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – If the file specified by file_in does not exist.
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.patterns_in_string_checker(string, *patterns)
recipe to the famous problem of pattern in string from
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.pickle_loader(pathin)
Load a Python object saved as a Pickle file.
Wrapper of pickle.load
- Parameters:
pathin (str) – the input pickle file path.
- Returns:
outdata – Data which will be loaded from the a pickle..
- Return type:
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.pickle_saver(datain, outdir=None, outname=None, ext='.pik', timestamp=False, full_path=None)
Save a Python object in a Pickle file.
Wrapper of pickle.dump
- Parameters:
datain (generic) – Data which will be saved as a pickle.
outdir (str, optional) – output directory. The default is None.
outname (str, optional) – pickle output name. The default is None.
ext (str, optional) – pickle file extension. The default is ‘.pik’.
timestamp (bool, optional) – add the timestamp in the pickle’s filename. The default is False.
full_path (str, optional) – gives the full path where to save the pickle. if full_path is given, override outdir and outname. The default is None.
- Returns:
outpath – the output pickle file path.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.read_comments(filein, comment='#')
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.read_mat_file(pathin, full=False)
low level reader of a MATLAB mat file
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.replace_in_file(file_in, str_before, str_after)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.save_array_fast(arrin, outname='', outdir='/home/psakicki/aaa_FOURBI', txt=True)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.save_obj_as_file(objin, pathin, prefix, ext='.exp', suffix='')
OLD proto-version of pickle saver DISCONTINUED
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.split_improved(strin, sep_left, sep_right)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.split_string_after_n_chars_at_space(s, n)
Splits a string into substrings of a maximum length of n characters, but only splits at spaces and inserts a newline (
) after each substring.
- sstr
The input string to be split.
- nint
The maximum length of each substring.
- str
The modified string with newlines inserted.
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.spyder_run_check()
Check if the code is run inside Spyder IDE
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.str2float_smart(str_in)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.str2int_float_autodetect(str_list_in)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.str2int_smart(str_in)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.str_2_float_line(line, sep=' ', out_type=<class 'float'>)
convert a line of number (in str) to a list of float (or other out_type)
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.stringizer(tupin, separ=' ', eol=True)
transform elts of a tuple in a string line, ready for write in a file
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.timeout(func, args=(), kwargs={}, timeout_duration=1, default=None)
This function will spwan a thread and run the given function using the args, kwargs and return the given default value if the timeout_duration is exceeded
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.transpose_vector_array(X)
transpose a Nx3 array to a 3xN array if necessary (necessary for some usages)
- Parameters:
X (iterable)
- Returns:
X – X transposed if necessary.
- Return type:
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.trunc(f, n)
Truncates/pads a float f to n decimal places without rounding
- geodezyx.utils.utils_core.vectorialize(array_in)
redondant avec .flat ???