Getting started


We recommend you to use Python’s virtual environnements to have a clean and isolated environment for the geodezyx toolbox. If you are not familiar with Python’s virtual environnements, you can follow the official documentation.

Standard installation (for non-admin users)

We recommend to use pip to install the last stable PyPi-hosted version:

pip install geodezyx

To get the latest developpement version you can install directly the GitHub-hosted version:

pip install git+

If you reinstall a new version the package, you should uninstall the existing one and/or use the --upgrade option:

pip uninstall geodezyx

pip install --upgrade geodezyx

Full installation (for sudoers/advanced users)

This version installs facultative external modules, which require system libraries only installable when you have the sudo/admin rights, namely netCDF4,, ncompress, seawater, gsw.

We recommend to use pip to install the last stable PyPi-hosted version:

pip install geodezyx[full]

To get the latest developpement version you can install directly the GitHub-hosted version:

pip install "geodezyx[full] @ git+"

Clone and manually install from GitHub (for devloppers)

Manually fork and/or clone the GitHub repository ( using your favorite flavor:

  • https: git clone (recommended)

  • SSH: git clone

Go to the folder where you cloned the repository:

  • cd geodezyx

And then install the toolbox you downloaded. Three solutions are possible:

  1. pip install -e . (editable mode, recommended if you want to edit the source code)

  2. python install (standard mode)

  3. Add the geodezyx folder in your PYTHONPATH, for experimented (and old-fashoned) users

Minimal exemple

To test if the geodezyx toolbox is well installed, import:

#### Import
import geodezyx           # Import the geodezyx modules

If the module are well imported (without errors in the console), fine! you have installed the geodezyx toolbox! If not, check again the potential errors during the installation.

It might be better to import the modules separatelly, e.g.:

import geodezyx.conv as conv                  # Import the conversion module

See the description of each module in the following section

Description of the Modules